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Sermons MOC

20240929 The Ultimate Missed Point


Good morning, my name is Clifton Bartholomew, and I am a local preacher here at UMC.

It is always so good to share with you all. Welcome again to any visitors and to all our online guests as well.

I always like to say before I preach that I am a teacher by training and so I am very used to being interrupted. If anyone is brave enough to raise their hand and ask a question or give an input, it is warmly welcomed.

Introduction - Missing the point

Jab 1 - Joke

A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars: The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:

The first worm in alcohol - Dead. The second worm in cigarette smoke - Dead. Third worm in chocolate syrup - Dead. Fourth worm in good clean soil - Alive.

So the Minister asked the congregation - What can you learn from this demonstration? A little old woman in the back quickly raised her hand and said, "As long as you drink, smoke or eat chocolate, you won't have worms!"

Have you ever put a ton of effort and love into something and those receiving it completely miss the point?

Jab 2 - Matric dance woes

A couple months ago was our matric dance. This is an exciting event for youngsters. It is like a coming of age. But this sort of evening takes a HUGE amount of planning. We had 2 teachers who were incredibly dedicated to the matrics. They made a huge effort hand crafting individual invites, they planned an entire day of challenges to that they had to pass in order to receive their invitations. They helped do fundraising to help lower the ticket prices, they did the decor themselves to help lower ticket prices, they had a connection at a local venue to help lower the ticket prices. There was a ton of work that went into the evening. And a few weeks out there was a strongly worded email from a parent stating that all the parents/children did not think that the selected venue was appropriate for a matric dance.

The ladies were gutted.

I feel like sometimes God is trying to set up our matric dance and we get worried about the color of the decor.

Jab 3 - The Ultimate Missed Point

Throughout history, this dynamic has played out on a grand scale. From the beginning, God is involved in the world, always close by, planning and setting up a banquet for us in the Garden of Eden, designing the decor, hand crafting individual invites, all this to draw us closer to Him. Yet, God’s relentless pursuit of us often is missed.

I am convinced that the woes of our world all stem from broken hearts apart from God. That our addictions, our egos, our desire for power and greatness are a result of us trying to feel something, to feel alive. An aliveness that we can only feel in relationship with God.

Right Hook - Evidenced in scripture

Today we are going to look at two stories where people miss the point entirely and see what we can learn about God and ourselves in the process.


The first reading is about 2 years into the exodus. The Israelites are at the foot of Mt Sinai sorting their lives out after a 400 year streak of slavery in Egypt. But the lead up to that point is a miraculous work of God. So much happens to get them to this point. They are riding this HUGE wave of God's momentum, but get caught up on the trivial.

Teaching Point 1 - The birth of a relationship

It all starts with Abraham and his call by God in Genesis 12 to live a life apart from the surrounding nations.

Genesis 12.1-3

And this isn't a quick get in the car and drive two hours to the border.

Show media 1 - Abrahams journey video

Abraham's family is called by God out of Babylonia. God despises what has become of this place. Child sacrifice, power hungry kings, huge numbers of people oppressed. God is calling him into a new relationship, a new way of living. God wants to redefine what a relationship with the divine looks like.

A relationship with YHWH is born. The first monotheistic movement. A movement intended to reveal who God is. And God's promise is that through this movement: 'all nations will be blessed through you'. - Abrahams travels 2500km to the promised land. - It is there he has his son Isaac who has his son Jacob who then has 12 Sons (the origins of the 12 tribes of Israel). - Then there is a drought and they go to Egypt for refuge. - When they enter Egypt, the descendants of Jacob number 170 - And because Joseph is in the good books of Pharoah, he convinces Pharoah to allow his family to settle in a separate land north of Egypt in Goshen.

Teaching Point 2 - The birth of a nation

Then, as the years go by, the new pharaohs aren't as friendly and soon move the Israelites into indentured servitude, slave labor. But the Israelites still hold onto their tradition and their promise. After 400 years of slavery, the Israelites numbers are huge, there are 600 000 fighting men and about 1.5 to 2 million people.

Moses enters the scene an adopted Israelite prince of Egypt but runs away after killing an Egyptian slave driver in anger. After 40 years as a shepherd, God calls Moses back to lead the Israelites to freedom. Moses doesn't want to go. God you have chosen the wrong person... He has a stutter, he has a bad name in Egypt. But he accepts. After bringing about the 10 plagues, they finally are allowed to leave.

Can you imagine trying to control 1.5 million people walking through a desert.

Show media 2 - The masses in the desert.

They travel 400km to edge of Mt Sinai. This is a nation who, for the first time in 400 years are free to live their own ways. But what are their ways? Moses first task is to establish this new nation. They in create rituals, a place of worship and all its finery and craftsmanship, they establish a system of Law, they get the 10 commandments. On the back of Moses, they are literally starting an entire nation.

And this is where we get to our first reading. After this huge swell of God moving in history, the journey of Abraham and his family, God establishing a new kind of relationship with humanity, centuries of slavery, miracles, the hand of God leading them into freedom, Moses giving his life to them, carrying them on his back, crafting their new identity: you’d expect the Israelites to be overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. But what do they say instead?

Verse 5: "Remember the cucumbers, the watermelons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic we had?"

Can you imagine how this must have felt to Moses? After everything he sacrificed, after everything God provided… they were still longing for Egypt’s table scraps. It must have felt like a gut punch.

Teaching Point 3 - Jesus shows us the way

We see the same happen in the gospel reading. Jesus has come to earth to start a revival, a movement that teaches us how to live. All his teachings are literally out of this world, he is healing people, teaching them the way of the kingdom, breaking the stagnant hearts of the people, preaching love, freedom for the oppressed. He is transfigured on a mountain, glowing in bright white with Moses and Elijah, the revelation of God to man.

And their response to this whole movement? Jesus, Jesus those people are doing things by your authority but they are not a part of our group. "Surely only we are allowed to do that" they say. Once again, they miss the point.

How often we miss God’s presence because we’re arguing about who’s right or who deserves more in this life? Are we still blind to His real invitation?


The beauty of scripture is that this isn’t just ancient history or someone else’s problem. This is our story. God is moving right now, in our lives, in our world. He’s been pursuing you, calling you, inviting you into a deeper relationship. But how often do we miss the point? How often do we get so caught up in the daily grind, the little distractions, the comforts we cling to, that we lose sight of what really matters?

Ask yourself: Am I missing the point? - Am I so focused on getting through the week that I miss the work God is trying to do in me? - Am I so worried about my job, my finances, my plans, that I forget that God is the one who provides? - Am I chasing the wrong things—success, approval, security—when God is offering me something infinitely more valuable: His presence, His peace, His purpose?

The Israelites were free from Egypt, but their hearts were still trapped in longing for onions and garlic. The disciples walked beside Jesus, saw His miracles, heard His teachings, and yet they were arguing about status. And we are no different.

What are your onions and garlic?
What are the small things you’re holding onto that keep you from fully embracing what God has for you?

Action 1 - Let go

Maybe we are carrying the weight of success on our shoulders? Maybe we are obsessing over outward appearances? Maybe we are bent on making sure our spouse is okay or another family member? Maybe we are thinking that it all lies on our shoulders in order to be a success?

We so often believe that the fate of the world lies in our hands and forget that the story arc of God is long. The momentum of Gods movement is large.

Even with Moses, was he in control of the fate of a nation? God would have used someone else. How relieved is Moses when he is honest with God, "I cannot do this" and the load is spread to 70 leaders. God didn't expect Moses to BE GOD. God just wanted Moses to trust him.

Action 2 - Plug in

God isn't calling us to be God, he is calling us to participate. Participate in the huge wave that is moving only forward in history. That is the only point in this life, a living relationship with God.

Look around. Where is God at work? Maybe it’s in a friend offering you encouragement. Maybe it’s in an opportunity you weren’t expecting. Maybe it’s in a challenge that’s forcing you to grow. God’s presence is all around you, if you’re willing to see it.

Start each day by asking, “God, where are you moving today? What are you trying to show me?”

Let that be your prayer as you wake up, as you go through your day, as you face challenges and victories alike.

Action 3 - Carry the Cross

Dealing with yourself, changes the world. Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” But too often, we mistake that for taking on all the burdens of life. Carrying your cross doesn’t mean carrying the weight of the world. It means surrendering our emotions, our ego's, our plans, our addictions, our sorrows, our wounds, our weakness to God.

And not worrying how others do it! In the reading today Jesus makes it abundantly clear, it doesnt matter WHO is carrying God's authority and change into the world, but it does matter HOW. And Jesus how is always to "take the log out of your own eye."

And this is only one way to live: - It is the hardest way - It is the most real way - It is the deepest way - It is the most fulfilling way - It is the way of the Kingdom

What does that look like for you? Maybe it means making time for the relationships that matter. Maybe it means stepping into a role of leadership or service, even when it’s uncomfortable. Maybe it means being vulnerable about your struggles and allowing God to meet you there.

Before we close, I wonder if there is anyone who would like to add something to the message?

One Liner

Do not miss the forest for the trees

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