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TItle Ideas

  • Logos - Understanding the World Around us
  • Seeing
  • Seeking
  • Searching


  • St Aquinas - What is true is from the Holy Spirit. Take only what is true for you. This is my exploration not your.
  • We kill over our world views
  • Either or vs both, and
  • We all have the same quest - knowing
  • We are discovering the logos - the unwritten word

Section 1 - Creationism

  • What about Genesis 1?
  • What is the point of the Bible?
    Historical? Scientific? Mythological?
  • Religion doesn't try to explain the world but rather tries to help us understand our place/purpose/relationship in it.
  • Religion is NOT science

Section 2 - Evolution

  • Evolution - another name for direction
  • Intelligence in a laptop - the highest concentration of human creativity
  • The intelligence contained in the human body
  • Evolution of religion?

Section 3 -Two Sides, One Coin

  • The more you study science, the more you see God
  • Science as a second Bible
  • Theology is part of philosophy
  • Sceince is part of philosophy
  • They both are born from the same parents
  • Philosophy is the reason that is a gift from God
  • Healing/demon posession - what is it? - does it matter what we call it and how help is achieved?

Evolution of the mind

  • Dark Ages - a time of superstition. God as the scape-goat explanation of all things.
  • Enlightenment - birth of modernism - reason, study - demystifying, intellectual, it can be explained through reason
  • Post-modernism - everything is relative - skepticism

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