UMC20241023 - Transmutation¶
The ancient alchemists were a group of early scientists, philosophers, and mystics who sought to unravel the secrets of the natural world through experimental practices. Their goal was to bring about the perfection of materials, rid them of impurities and elevate them to higher states of purity and perfection. Their belief was that all matter could be perfected through a process known as transmutation, a transforming of a lesser substance (such as lead) into another much more valuable substance (such as gold). This concept also had a symbolic aspect, reflecting the alchemists' aspiration to achieve spiritual purification and inner transformation through their external practice.
Often, we are unaware of the negativity, anger and resentment we foster in our hearts. These are the things that give us spiritual bad breath and, if we are not conscious of them, they come out anyway in what we say and do. Jesus said in Matthew 15.18, "...the things that come out a person's mouth, come from the heart...". In the contemplative practices of Christianity, there is this idea that when we become aware of this negativity, anger or resentment we should consider this awareness as a gift from God as these emotions are indicators of soul unwellness, that something within us needs care. It is considered a gift because it causes a separation in our awareness between who we are and the emotion itself. Very often, without this awareness, we become "possessed" by our emotions and it lives through us as if it were us.
So this week I am working on the practice of transmutation. Turning lead into gold. Being grateful for the gift of awareness of negativity, anger and resentment and trying my best to lay these at the cross to be transformed.
Love, Cliff