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UMC20240216 - Be Still and Know That I am God

Work has been incredibly fast-paced this year. I have been actively trying to upskill and seek new responsibilities. It has led me to develop new systems and help people with these new systems. A really exciting venture. But it has come with a cost. I have made commitments in the spur moment that have led me to do a ton of extra hours at work. As a result, I have been missing my quiet times, prayer, and centering meditation and I have found that I have been walking around with an anxious heart.

Quiet times are called quiet times because they still the heart. The state of our heart determines how we respond to the world around us. Do we react defensively with our spouse, or do we listen and understand first? Do we snap at a coworker for not having something done on time, or do we try and find out if they are doing okay? Do we continuously worry about an upcoming decision, or do we trust in God and leave it in his hands?

As we go into Lent, I am being called back to a structured quiet time of letting God speak into my heart. A time of going inwards into the internal desert and doing the difficult work for 40 days and 40 nights. Maybe you might be feeling a similar way.

"Be still and know that I am God".

Love, Cliff

See also