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UMC20221023 Can we change

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UMC20221023 - Can we change?

It is said that there are two topics one should never discuss at a dinner or a braai, religion and politics. These are two areas where people's beliefs and values run deep to the core and when challenged can cause fiery outrage. I have always thought of myself as a calm, “chilled” person who doesn’t get triggered. But recently in my family there has been a dispute over core religious beliefs that are causing tensions in the extended family. I am now triggered.

What is it that one does in these kinds of situations? Do I discuss and debate and try to change their mind? Am I right? Or am I just doing the same thing that they are trying to do with me? Are they right? Does anything good ever come out of a debate? Has anyones mind been changed through argumentation? I wonder if you have ever been in a similar situation.

When I look at Christ, he almost never tells someone a straight answer.  In fact, in the new testament Jesus asks 307 questions, he is asked 183 questions and he only gives 3 straight answers. This has given me great peace for some reason. That the answers are not the point, but leading ourselves and others into deeper exploration is more important.

Here are some thoughts that I am taking with me into this tension: 1. I will not assume that I have the correct belief. 2. I will not let this tension blind me to the person I am arguing with. They are my family. 3. I will ask more questions than give answers. 4. I will pray that God changes me (and them) to always be more aligned to the kingdom modus operandi.

Love, Cliff