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UMC20220922 Confirmation

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UMC20220922 - ConfirmationΒΆ

This week marks the end of a 10 week confirmation journey that 13 young members of our church have embarked on. We have spent 10 weeks reflecting on some of the different aspects of our faith; What is prayer? How should we approach the bible? Who is the holy spirit? What is the meaning of the cross? What is evil? Each week we have watched videos, attempted spiritual homework exercises and opened up a space for conversation around a topic where the confirmees and leaders shared thoughts and stories from their lives.

It has been inspiring to see the depth, life and joy coming out of these sessions and it is sad that they have come to an end so soon. It has been a lot of work for our confirmess and it has all been leading to the one question that they are going to be asked today: will you follow Jesus? 11 out of the 13 confirmees have been baptised as babies and promises were made over them as they were dedicated into God's family. Today they will be affirming those promises themselves in front of a loving community and consciously making the choice to follow Jesus.

Some questions we can reflect on during the service today: Can you remember your confirmation or baptism? What did it mean to you? Are you aware of the family that you are a part of in this place? Are you still making a conscious choice to follow Jesus?

Let us celebrate joyously today as our confirmees continue the long journey of their faith. Let us encourage them, guide them, challenge them, pray for them and inspire them. And may we walk away today refreshed in the love of God, knowing that we are children of God, and that God is with us always.

Love, Cliff