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UMC20220814 We cant stop giving

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UMC20220814 - We cant stop giving

In the software development world you cannot make a piece of software and expect it to work forever. Computers are constantly changing and if you don't make the necessary updates to your software over time, the software will eventually stop working. Software that is no longer being maintained is called “dead” software. To keep software “alive”, programmers have to continuously put time, effort and energy into maintaining the software.

This is a beautiful lesson that I have learnt from software development, that we keep things alive by giving them our time and energy. And this really applies to every area in our lives. A car that isn't maintained will eventually cease, a relationship that isn't maintained will see two people drifting apart, a home or job that isn't maintained will eventually deteriorate. We have this creative, God-given power to bring life into the world through our work, through our time, effort and energy.

Why I love this idea is that reminds me that there is nothing in this world that once achieved, we will have it all and not have to do anything else. Don’t we think like that sometimes? If only I had x, y, z, then it will be okay. But this idea this means that we can never stop making an effort for the things that are important to us. 

The series that Mark introduced to us last week “One Month To Live” has been an opportunity for me to think afresh about what the things are that are dying because I have not been giving them time and energy. In particular I want to focus on my prayer life. 

What have you been neglecting that needs your energy? Who have you been neglecting that needs your energy? What practices have you been neglecting that needs your energy?

Love Cliff.