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UMC20220204 For now we know in part

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UMC20220204 - For now we know in part

Last weekend I had an interesting conversation with a fellow UMC member about a sermon that I had recently preached. She disagreed that the spirit of the message should always be discipleship in nature and believed it is more important to be missional. That helping people start in their relationship with God is an important role of the church. And when I say “disagreed”, I mean we were sitting in our church’s beautiful memorial garden side-by-side and having a conversation, not across from a keyboard or via an email or whatsapp message. I found our conversation incredibly refreshing. It takes a brave soul to disagree with someone who isn’t a close friend or family member, particularly surrounding the touchy subject of theology. And we both gained wonderful insight from our conversation.

Disagreement, debate and conversation have always been deeply ingrained in Jewish culture (and hence moved into early Christian culture). And it isn’t always of the “side-by-side” kind of discussion. From conversations around the dinner table to the messages preached in the synagogues, Jews have always been encouraged to question, disagree and converse. I love this about the culture. We should always try to hold that our theology, spirituality, biblical interpretation, philosophy etc. are never finished works, they are continually forming, growing and changing. 

It is in these conversations that we grow the most. Voicing our strong beliefs while allowing them to be challenged. Talking and then listening. Understanding. Objecting. Changing our beliefs. Defending our beliefs. It is at the edge of who we are that we discover the most. That we discover who God is and what God wants from us. 

Going into this week try and be aware of what happens when you encounter a belief that is different to what you know. Do you get defensive? Or are you inquisitive? Do you really listen? Or just wait to counter attack? Only God knows all. We will always know in part. Let us put relationship above being right this week.

Love Cliff.