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UMC20220123 Epiphany

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UMC20220123 - Epiphany

The liturgical season after Christmas is called the season of Epiphany. It starts on the 6th of January and ends on Ash Wednesday. The term epiphany means "to show" or "to make known" or even "to reveal." And during this season we focus on Jesus’ question, “Who do you say I am?”. All the readings include pieces of history which reveal the power of Christ as King to the world. Some of these readings include Jesus' miracles (water into wine), the visitation of the Magi (the revelation of Jesus as royalty), the declaration of Jesus ministry (as the one to save the poor and downtrodden) and culminating in the transfiguration of Christ on top of a mountain (a grand revelation of the divinity of Christ).

What I have begun to appreciate about the seasons of the liturgical year is that by repeating the same themes year in and year out, these complex ideas begin to sink deeply into our faith. It is my hope this season that I can further contemplate what it means for Christ to be revealed to the world. To think on this question of Christ, “Who do you say I am?”.

Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and Easter are seasons of Christ's birth, life and death. These are events that have shaken history and changed the world in a deep, mystical way and these changes have not stopped having an effect in the world. I pray that in this season our eyes may opened to see God at work in history, God at work in our country, God at work in our community and God at work in our lives.

Have you experienced that life changing power of Christ? The love that erases sin and ignites a fire within? Who do you say Christ is in your life?