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UMC20220108 New Beginnings

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UMC20220108 - New Beginnings

Happy Happy New Year! I love this time of year, the air is filled with expectation, joy and newness. My brother commented that in South Africa, December is not a season, it is a lifestyle. For close to a month the whole country relaxes into time spent decompressing with the family, reflecting on the year that has passed and contemplating the year to come. You can feel the energy in the air. It is no wonder that this season is the birthplace of the “New Year’s Resolution”. We want to die to the old and step into the new.

Even though we may think that New Year's Resolutions are cliche, time spent in reflection can only yield good results. How do I want to do things differently? What is important to me? What is draining for me? What relationships are important to me? Is this the job that I want to be in? And closer to our hearts, what is the state of my relationship with God? What gave me spiritual life this year? What took away life?

As a Church family we are continuing this time of expectation, joy and newness as we welcome our new minister Rev. Mark Wiemers during today’s induction service. We pray that Mark feels warmly welcomed into the UMC family and that God uses him to radically grow God’s kingdom on the North Coast. Make sure to take a moment today to introduce yourself to Mark and may his time with us be fruitful and warm.