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UMC20160404 What can I do now

Blogs MOC

UMC20160404 - What can I do now?

I was listening to a podcast this week on the topic of Mastery.  The podcaster was interviewing a man who was studying different types of extreme athletes and how they attained these grand, sometimes almost unattainable, achievements.  He said that the main difference between the athletes and other 'ordinary' people was how they set their goals.  The athlete would not have as their only goal to “win the Comrades Marathon”, but would also have goals such as: “how far can I push myself during minute 10 of my run today?”  He concluded the podcast by explaining that these athletes did not only keep their end goal in mind but they had a mind-set that pulled them towards a “what can I do NOW to improve my game?” kind of lifestyle.

The Easter service last Sunday was incredible.  It was a perfect morning SON-rise that was celebrated by hundreds of brothers and sisters of the church.  We shared the triumphant story of hope; the Son has risen and we have risen with him!  After singing together, listening together and laughing together, the service was concluded by the baptism of a close friend, Scott Van Reenen.  As he went through the symbolic death and rebirth, tears of joy were brought to my eyes.  His zest for God could be felt along the coastline.

I left the beach-front that morning with a strong sense of hope in my heart, a hope pointing towards a Kingdom here on Earth.  I believe it is the duty of the Church to be co-labourers with God in building His Kingdom.  We are to be witnesses to the world and share what God is doing.

After Listening to the podcast I mentioned earlier, I realised that we are not living in fullness if our only goal is to “win the Comrades Marathon”.  But like the athletes, we need to learn to develop a “what can be done NOW to witness to the world?” kind of mind-set.

Who are you listening to today? Who are you helping today? Who are you apologising to today? Who are you reconciling your relationship with today? Who are you feeding today? Who are you defending today? Who are you forgiving today? For, together with God, this is how we build His Kingdom.