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Make sense through note taking

take notes

make sense through note taking

Since starting my evergreen journey, I thought that the purpose of taking notes was the internalization of knowledge. I thought that by having detailed notes on a book or a conversation or a lecture, I would internalize ideas in a deeper way making the ideas would more accessible and more permanent. It turns out you can't remember everything.

Nick Milo explains that notes aren't the point, the process is the point. The process of sorting through your thoughts and ideas daily leads to clearer, stronger thinking. This is part and parcel of what it means to be a reflective person. He encourages us to continuously write our thoughts and ideas out in a concise and organised way, in our own words. This is the strongest way to make sense of who you are and the ideas of the world.

Don't just produce notes each day. Reflect on what is currently capturing your mind and let that flow out onto the page. Search inside your feelings and resentments and dreams and let that flow out onto the page. The purpose of the page is to be able to see inside yourself.

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