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Your posture determines your destination

300 Personal Development

Your posture determines your destinationΒΆ

Posture definition: The posture of your being not your physical posture (although that also has an influence). It is how are you presenting yourself in the world, physically and in your character.

In Jordan Peterson's book he writes a whole chapter on how to stand up straight with your shoulders back. He describes that we are part of an ancient social dominance hierarchy. Lobsters exhibit this hierachical behavior and they have not changed biologically much for hundreds of millions of years, suggesting that this dominance hierarchy is older than trees. This makes it something important to consider.

The purpose of these dominance hierachies is to vie for position within the species (and between other species) to gain territory, food and mating potential. There are certain behaviors that help animals determine their position in the hierarchy, ranging from low growls to full on fights. Fighting every time is not needed when the dominance gap is large (it is also impractical for all parties involved to use the maximum display of dominance every time) but is needed when the previous displays of dominance do not work.

Animals know their dominance numbers compared to other animals and assign new animals a dominance number after a series of displays or tests. "Losing" and "winning" in these displays and have physiological effects within our being. "Losing" reduces serotonin and increases stress and can cause further loss, cyclically toward the bottom of the hierarchy. Winning has the same effect upward. This echoes the verse spoke by Jesus in Matthew 13.12, to those who have, more will be given.

In humans, what determines the dominance number given to us is: - How we dress - How we speak - How we converse - Our knowledge - Our accomplishments

Thus coming to the most important part of the reflection, the posture you hold in the world, determines your destination. Dress well, always work deeply, be a reflective person. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the higher up the dominance hierarchy you will climb.