Coding Curriculum MOC
Seniors Assessment plan
Grade 10 Assessments
- T1 Theory: Hardware
- T1 Practical: Data structures and math
- T2 Theory: Software and networks (½)
- T2 Practical: Looping + theory of practical
- T2 Exam Theory: hardware, software, networking, theory of practical
- T2 Exam Practical: data + math, for loops, decomp (methods), if statements
- T2 PAT intro
- T3 Theory: Data representation and Boolean logic
- T3 Practical: Switch case, string manipulation, while loops
- T4 Practical: SQL
- T4: Collaboration timesheet
- T4 Exam Theory: all
- T4 Exam Practical: all
Grade 11 Assessments
- T1 Theory: Hardware
- T1 Practical: string manipulation and scanners
- T1 PAT intro
- T2 Theory: System Software and networks (½)
- T2 Practical: arrays + theory of practical
- T2 Exam Theory: hardware, software, networking, theory of practical
- T2 Exam Practical: objects and arrays of objects
- T3 Theory: array manipulation
- T3 Theory: Data representation and Boolean logic
- T4 Practical: SQL (including gr12)
- T4: Collaboration timesheet
- T4 Exam Theory: all
- T4 Exam Practical: all
Grade 12 Assessments
- T1 Theory: Normalisation
- T1 Practical: SQL
- T1 Practical: Validation task
- T1 PAT Intro
- T2 Exam Theory: OOP + all
- T2 Exam Practical: SQL + arrays of objects
- T3: Collaboration timesheet
- T3 Trials Theory
- T3 Trials Practical