COS4840 - Ontology Engineering
Description Logics¶
Description logics area subset of a function free FOL with no variables.
Three entities:¶
- Concepts names - entity types/classes/unary predicates/universals
- Roles - relationships/associations/binary predicates/properties
- Individuals - constants
Three kinds of axioms in DL:¶
ABox axioms - assertional axioms capture knowledge about relationships with individuals.
- concept assertion C(a) -> Mother(Jane) -> Jane is a mother
- role assertion R(a, b) -> motherOf(Jane, Paul) -> Jane is the mother of Paul
- individual equality a = b -> Bobby = Robert -> Bobby and Robert are the same person
- individual inequality a != b -> Steven != Robert -> Steven and Robert are different people
TBox axioms - terminological axioms capture knowledge about relationships between concepts.
- concept inclusion C lies in D -> Mothers are Parents
- concept equivalence C = D -> librarians and bookkeepers are the same concept
RBox axioms - relational axioms capture knowledge about relationships between roles.
- role inclusion R lies in S -> motherOf(x, y) is in parentOf(x, y) -> all mothers are parents
- role equivalence R = S -> mentorOf(x, y) = guiderOf(x, y) -> mentors are the same roles as guiders
- complex role inclusion R1 . R2 lies in S -> brotherOf(parentOf(x, y)) lies in uncleOf(x, y) -> the brother of your parent is your uncle
- role disjointness disjoint(R, S)