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INF4825 - Software Project Management

INF4825 - Assignment 2 (2024)

Principles of Software Project Management

1. Three Core Principles

Scope management: - "Scope management includes the processes involved in defining and controlling what work is or is not included in the project" (Schwalbe, 2016:184). In the scenario, the project manager had to manage a scope change. There was request for new features in the middle of development. The project manager then had to re-prioritize these new features against existing features and assign/reassign human resources. - This principle influenced the direction that development took. It was a crucial moment in deciding which features the product would ship with and which features would be released in later updates. This allowed for a balancing between the stakeholder expectations and project feasibility.

Time management: - "Project time management includes the processes required to ensure timely completion of a project" (Schwalbe, 2016:223). Namely this includes defining activities, sequencing activities, estimating activity durations and developing and controlling the schedule (Schwalbe, 2016:224). In the scenario the project manager had to redefine the project activities and schedules on two occasions (after the project initiation): once during the additional scope placed on the product by the stakeholders and once during the marketing teams timeline adjustments. - Without this principle, the project would not have been able to be completed on time. This principle influenced decision making in the project to ensure that there was continuity in the development despite the constraints experienced. The project was not released with all the proposed functionality, but an acceptable set of core features were planned and included in the schedule to meet a reasonable deadline.

Resource management: - "Project resource management includes the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved in a project" (Schwalbe, 2016:347). The project manager needed to know which resources were able to accomplish each task in a given time. - This principle influenced decision making in the project by ensuring continuity in the project despite the absence of a key developer. The project manager had to redistribute tasks and hire a temporary consultant to fill in the gap thereby ensuring progress was steadily made on the project.

2. Initiating a Mobile App Project

How would you initiate the project - key factors in project initiation phase

3. Feasibility

3 factors to consider

Software Development Estimation, Planning, Scheduling, and Resource Allocation

  1. In the context of software project estimation, what methods or techniques would you recommend using to estimate the time and resources required for integrating new features into an ongoing project? How do these differ from initial project estimations? (15)
  2. Explain how you would plan and schedule activities to manage unexpected resource constraints, such as a key team member taking extended leave. What steps would you take to ensure minimal disruption to the project timeline? (15)
  3. From the case study, identify two resource allocation strategies used to address resource gaps and meet project deadlines. How effective were these strategies, and what improvements could be suggested for better resource management in similar scenarios? (10)

Managing and monitoring the entire project

  1. What monitoring techniques or tools would you recommend to track project progress, especially when facing timeline pressures and scope changes? How do these tools aid in effective project management? (10)
  2. Provide recommendations on how to manage and communicate scope changes effectively within a project team and with stakeholders. How does managing scope changes impact overall project success? (10)
  3. Considering the pressure for an earlier app launch, suggest strategies to maintain the quality of deliverables while adhering to the revised timeline. How do you strike a balance between delivering quickly and ensuring quality? (10)


  1. Schwalbe, K. (2016) Information Technology Project Management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

See also