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  • Name: The Return of the Prodigal Son
  • Author: Henri J.M. Nouwen
  • Type: #literature/book
  • Source: #source/book
  • Link: Goodreads
  • Annotation:


We are all the younger son and the older son, but we are called to be like the father.

The younger son leaves (consumed)

This is the first mode of being; wastefully and cheaply spending the gifts and love of God. Disregarding the love that you have received from the father. Abusing that love. Thinking you know better.

  • Radical rejection
  • Deaf to the voice of love
  • Searching where it cannot be found

We are addicted to self-fulfilment,, status, good food and pleasures (in an excess), wealth. We try and find Gods love in places where it doesn't exist

The younger son returns (realisation)

This is the awakening from the delusion that you will find God's love/peace in the world, in anyone or anything other than God. Understand the God shaped vacuum in our hearts. And then coming home.

  • Being lost (waking up to your searching in the wrong places)
  • Claiming childhood (remembering your place in Gods family)
  • The long way home (the long, hard spiritual journey)
  • The true prodigal (God is the true prodigal, the calf, the ring, the elaborate party celebrations).

The older son leaves (consumed)

This is the second mode of being, holding on tightly to being right, doing the right thing, and having a resentment of still not receiving Gods love. Being consumed by the things that are happening around you.

  • Standing with clasped hands
  • lost in resentment
  • without joy

The older son returns (realisation)

You have had access to Gods love all along. Celebrating the return of the lost is a celebration with you in it.

  • A possible conversion
  • letting go of rivalry
  • trust and gratitude
  • the true elder son (Jesus - true union with God)

The Father welcomes home

The father is not controlling, he allows the son to leave, knowing that he will lose so much in giving away his inheritance, knowing that it will be waster, but knowing that it could be the greatest teacher.

The father knows that keeping the son hostage will be even worse.

When the son comes back, the father is so excited for the sons realisation.

The father calls for a celebration

  • Giving the very best
  • An invitation to joy We always have access to the party. Whether we are returning as the lost son or feeling joyless as the tired elder son.

All that God has is ours.


The parable is in the response to Jesus eating with sinners. A complaint by the Pharisees.

Dualism cannot be a modus operandi in the kingdom.

"I am here to party" Jesus says. All are welcome. The wasteful returners and the tired obedient.

Becoming the father can be lonely.