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Stretch Goals

  • IT Conference
    Fri night - adults only, speakers.
    Sat morning - students showcase and lessons for students
    Sat afternoon - adults only
    TEACH! Conference 2023 – ISASA
    [created::2023-07-15] [stretch::true]
  • Write an IT textbook teaching textbook (no grades, one reference for Java, reference thinking classrooms) [created::2023-07-15] [stretch::true]


  • Investigate Joshua Stapleton AI (Seaton school) [created::2023-10-10]
  • Speak to Mischa, Nethisha and Neil about internship program? [created::2023-10-14]
  • Create drive policy
  • Do a google drive audit - what drives do we have, can we clean up

Goals per year

  • install an OS [created::2023-07-15]
  • setup website [created::2023-07-15]
  • change bios [created::2023-07-15]
  • setup build a computer [created::2023-07-15]
  • Turn this into a goals per year [created::2023-07-15]
  • setup a network router [created::2023-07-15]


  • Add to notes: duration has one field, period has many [created::2023-11-09]
  • File I/O - scanners and result sets [created::2023-07-15]
  • Algorithms and arrays [created::2023-07-15]
  • String manipulation [created::2023-07-15]
  • User journey as a way to do design (as well with pictures of the UI) [created::2023-10-20]


  • Automate Techbyte awards [created::2023-11-01]
  • Add voting to techbyte [created::2023-07-15]
  • Backup psql and mysql [created::2023-07-15]
  • create install file [created::2023-07-15]
  • have different sections website [created::2023-07-15]
  • reset server [created::2023-07-15]
  • Fix link to Naledi game. [created::2023-07-15]
  • Fix spelling errors on about [created::2023-07-15]
  • Remove Kairavs game and check all other games where user data is public [created::2024-01-23]

Lego League

    FLL presentation
    1. presentation
    2. q/a from judges
    3. robotic design
    4. q/a from judges

    Requirements: prototype and presentation board - stages of robot, pictures of prototype.

    Score to beat: 310
    Top 9 teams went through

    Have robotics matches between schools for prep


  • Create rubrics per section. Student positioning, teacher data collection [created::2023-12-26]
  • setup assessment year map policy for IT
    - totals
    - time
    - scope
    - weighting
    - template
    - levels

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